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Preserving Historical Authenticity | Timberlane Blog

Written by Timberlane Shutters | Mar 20, 2023 2:56:44 PM

Historic renovations are a delicate balance between preserving a building's original character and updating it to meet modern standards. One critical aspect of historic renovation is the accurate replication of exterior shutters. Historic Renovation Specialists, understand the importance of accurate replica exterior shutters and how they can enhance a property's overall historical authenticity

Historical Accuracy

Historical accuracy is one of the most critical aspects of a historic renovation. Replicating the original exterior shutters to match the style, color, and material of the original shutters is essential to maintain the historical accuracy of the building. Accurate replica exterior shutters can help to preserve the building's original character and provide a glimpse into its past.

Enhancing the Historical Authenticity

Replica exterior shutters can enhance a property's historical authenticity by ensuring that it remains true to its original design. Replicating the original shutters can help to enhance the building's overall architectural style and make it stand out in its surroundings. By using historically accurate replica exterior shutters, a property can maintain its original charm and historical significance.

Modern Standards

While historical accuracy is crucial, it's also essential to ensure that the property meets modern standards. Replica exterior shutters can be designed to meet modern standards while still maintaining the original design's historical accuracy. This ensures that the property is not only historically accurate but also functional and up to date.


One of the benefits of using accurate replica exterior shutters is the ability to customize them to fit the property's specific needs. Custom shutters can be designed to match the original shutters' exact measurements, style, and color, ensuring that the property maintains its historical accuracy while meeting modern standards.


Using replica exterior shutters can be a cost-effective alternative to replacing the entire window system. By replicating the original shutters, you can maintain the original design while avoiding the cost of replacing the entire window system. This can be a significant cost savings for a historic renovation project.

In Conclusion

Timberlane is a leader in high-quality, custom-made exterior shutters. We know that precision is instrumental to how shutters fit, function and enhance your home’s curb appeal.

Connect with Timberlane today to request a quote or learn more about exterior shutter styles, materials, finishes and hardware.